
admin 赛事分析 35 48


1、I rode a bike.I visited my friends.I played basketball with my friends.In the evening I sang songs and watched TV.I went to bed at 10:00.I was very happy last weekend.上周末有两天假期。周六早上我和我的同学去了公园。我们玩了游戏,我们很开心。当天下午。 我看了漫画书。

2、my last weekend 的英语作文:Dear friends, I will tell you about my last weekend.亲爱的朋友们,我将告诉你关于我的周末。

3、We enjoy ourselves. But were tired and thirsty. We had some ice cream. I like the park.今天是星期天。有很多人在公园里。我和我的朋友去公园。一些孩子在踢足球。我们打篮球。我们玩得很开心的。但我们又累又渴。我们有一些冰淇淋。我喜欢这个公园。自己写的作文 希望对你有帮助。

4、Bobo.we go there by bus.今天天气很好。所以我想和我亲爱的朋友安吉尔和波波一起去公园。我们坐公共汽车去。Frist,we played tennis.Than we sang our favouite songs.we had a BBQ there.we had a good time!首先,我们打网球。然后我们唱我们最爱的歌。我们在那里烧烤。

5、一出门,就与微风撞了个满怀,风中含着大自然的气息,早晨,好清爽。 今天,我和妈妈要去鹅湖公园玩,还没到门口就听见了一阵阵嬉笑声和打闹声,心里别提有多高兴了。 刚进公园的大门,一排排桂花树映入眼帘,好像在欢迎各位游客,能在里面玩得开心,玩得快乐。




或者We had a good time in the park last weekend.本人偏重于第一种,但是第二种却是英式翻译,第一种偏中式。

The children have a good time in the park everyday.The children have fun playing in the park everyday.孩子们每天在公园都玩得很开心。

什么时候他们玩的很开心?Where did they enjoy themselves yesterday? 他们昨天在哪玩的很开心?They didnt enjoy themselves at park yesterday.他们昨天在公园里玩的不开心。He had a toothache last Saturday. 他上周六牙疼。

We had some ice cream. I like the park.今天是星期天。有很多人在公园里。我和我的朋友去公园。一些孩子在踢足球。我们打篮球。我们玩得很开心的。但我们又累又渴。我们有一些冰淇淋。我喜欢这个公园。 自己写的作文 希望对你有帮助。


他们昨天在哪玩的很开心?They didnt enjoy themselves at park yesterday.他们昨天在公园里玩的不开心。He had a toothache last Saturday. 他上周六牙疼。

These children have had a good time in the paek.前面有两个空,也许是为了考现在完成时态。

The children have a good time in the park everyday.The children have fun playing in the park everyday.孩子们每天在公园都玩得很开心。

We were playing happily in the park last weekend.或者We had a good time in the park last weekend.本人偏重于第一种,但是第二种却是英式翻译,第一种偏中式。

Children are playing in the park的造句 Yesterday evening, I saw that children were playing in the park and having a great time.(昨晚我看到孩子们在公园里玩得很开心。



虽然有点冷,但是极乐无穷!吃的就是那个调调。 28天气在回暖,往后的日子都充满了希望 天气这么好,去野餐吗 我喜欢田野,喜欢户外,所以有时间就得出来走走。 一切充满希望,温柔又热烈 水洞,小市羊汤,关门山,野餐,感受了大自然美好的作品。美好的一天。

风和日丽的下午约上三五好友一起野餐吧,有很认真的在生活噢! 受春日之邀来野餐啦 YM,五一假日,第二天一家人有开始野炊行动,这次增加三个小朋友,淘淘,小小顾,齐齐。不得不说带孩子出来玩是超级累的,玩水玩沙吃东西一步都离不开,希望宝贝玩得开心。



或者We had a good time in the park last weekend.本人偏重于第一种,但是第二种却是英式翻译,第一种偏中式。

I got up early on Saturday because my parents and I decided to go to the park. We went boating and climbed the mountain. We had a pinic in the park and we really enjoyed ourselves.星期六我起得很早,因为我父母和我决定去公园。我们划船去爬山。我们在公园里玩得很开心。

“玩得高兴”英文写法:have fun 、have a good/great/wonderful time、enjoy oneself、have a blast等 have fun They have fun fishing together on weekends.(周末,他们在一起钓鱼,很开心。

标签: 上周他们在公园玩得很开心
